Home » Last blog post of 2015 :(:

Last blog post of 2015 :(:

Hello everybody. Welcome back. So, this is my last blog post of 2015! Yay, and nooo! For this blog post I am going to try to make it long and better then all my other ones. Here I go!

Monday.Good ol Monday. On Monday i had a lot of fun, I did Biztown. We are still working on it though. I am really excited to really go there for real. On Monday I also did Math U See. I am doing multiplication with Melissa. The other people taking the class are Andrew, Kate, Liberty, Isabella, and Tessa sometimes joins in on our games. Also on Monday I did gratitude circle. I really like the talking stick some people made. Its a stick with bird wings on the sides.


Tuesday. Could never forget the Tuesdays. On Tuesday Kate, Liberty, and I volunteered at Roots, the younger kids school. We helped them make salt dough sculptors. Jordan was turning 5 and we had a birthday circle. We sang this song. “babys are born in the circle of the sun, circle of the sun on birthing day.” So that was Tuesday.


Wednesday. Always so wonderful Wednesday. On Wednesday I went to urban ministries. It was fun there, a woman gave us a tour. I liked the garden and art room the best. Also I did change up. We might have to get rid of buns. Charlotte is gonna eat her. (JK) Group game was on Wednesday too. We did Epic Rock, Paper, Scissors. Alona, Liberty, and I did a dance performance we made up to the song fireflys by owl city. Its a really good song, you should listen to it sometime if you haven’t already.


Thursday. Oh Thursday. On Thursday, I did show practice. We were supposed to start filming but we are going to start when we get back in school. Also I sewed a little bit. All I did though was cut out the squares. Charlotte, Kate, and I did improve. We did instant monologue and had to make up a skit with just 2 words. My favorite Kate and I made up was Baby chicken and mustache man.


Friday. Last but not least, Friday. Today i went to the recyclery, with Charlotte and Liberty. I worked on Natalie’s bike all the time. It was fun. I also obviously blogged. and did Biztown. I found out my job!!! My job is to help the docter, and fill in for people,and buy things for the hospital. Maybe other things I forgot. THANKS FOR READING!!


P.S If you read this, comment saying I read your last 2015 blog post

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