Last week of School :(

Hello! This is my last post of the school year. I’m so sad!:( I can’t wait for school to start back up again and see everyone again! This has been an amazing year and can’t wait for another to begin in a new campus! We are leaving here and never coming back.

So, this week on Tuesday I got my hair dyed! I made it so the bottom layer is purple, now, when my hair is down you can barely see it, but, when it’s up you can. I really love it! Also, there was a lot of hair dye left over, so Jess got ALL her hair dyed purple! It looks AWESOME!

Now, today was field day! We played lots and lots of fun games like: sprints, potato sack race, three legged race, water balloon toss, drip drip DROP! Its like duck duck GOOSE, but with a sponge and when you say drip you put a little on them and when you say DROP you squeeze it all on them. Then we ate and we are going to have popsicals and a end of year gratitude circle.

Well, time for me to go now. I had a wonderful year and can’t wait to see everyone again! If you read this, comment, See you next year!!!

Hiking and Tea

Hello! This week I did lots of things but I am going to focus mostly on two things.

On Monday, sadly there was no school šŸ™

On Tuesday we all did Luke’s around the sun, he is now 9 and he brought popsicals for everyone to share.

On Wednesday I didn’t come to school šŸ™

On Thursday I did a really fun 5ish mile hike with, Jess, Nancy, Liberty, Alona, Tessa, Ayan, Jake, Conner, Caleb, and Zack. It was more of a medium hike and I had lots and lots of fun!

On Friday (today) I had a tea party with Tessa and Alona. We had tea, crackers, and bread. It was REALLY fun! @tessao

Well, THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lf you read this, comment, hiking with tea! Bye!

Fun Week!!!

On Monday I did Book Club. Right now we are reading a book by Kate’s dad, it is called, Mystery Muffin, Soda Pop, and the Legend of Mr Creepy. It is a pretty good book, I like it.

On Tuesday, I did my first Front Walkover! This is a tutorial of one:Ā . They are very fun to do but also pretty hard. Now I want to learn a back walkover. It is the same thing but going back instead of forwards.

Today, Friday, I went on a bike ride to Amilies. I went on a bike ride with, Charlotte, Nancy, Tessa, Natalie, Andrew, Michael, Ayan, and Liberty. It was really fun, I got a chocolate mousse cup with a chocolate strawberry.

Well, this week was fun! Bye! THANKS FOR READING!!!! If you read this, comment Chocolate Walkover!

Espanol! (Spanish!)

Hello, Its Friday and I’m writing my blog post. (Obviously)’

This week on Monday I wrote Melissa a birthday card! It was her birthday, (obviously)

On Tuesday I did Spanish songs and videos with Nancy! Nancy, Tessa, Ayan, Luke, Liberty, and I are learning Spanish, so Nancy and I watched some videos in Spanish about monarch butterflys and found fun and easy Spanish songs! It was really fun!

On Wednesday I did book club. Right now we are reading Kate’s Dads book. It is called, Mystery Muffin, Soda Pop, and the Legend of Mr. Creepy. It is a good book so far.

On Thursday we had the school day at Freedom Park. I had lots of fun there and played on the playground a lot.

Friday, also known as today, I did Gymnastics. I am working on my front walkover right now and I am pretty close to doing one. I am also working on a kick over.


Well, that’s all for today, bye! THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you read this, comment Espanol Gymnastic parks!

Gymnastic, Coloring, and More!

Hello! So, this week went by soooooo fast, but I am going to tell you about the key things that happened.

On Tuesday, (we didn’t have school on Monday) I worked on coloring my picture. I am working on coloring an animal mandala of a Betta fish. I recently got a set of 100 gel pens that are all really pretty colors with sparkles and neon and things like that. I think it looks really pretty so far! Also, some kids from the ALC in New York came and went to our school for a week to see how we do things! Two girls, named Nahla and Serena who are 13 both stayed at our house for the week and It was really fun to have them stay there!

On Thursday I went on an urban hike. We hiked up to Romare Bearden park and hung out there for awhile. I did some gymnastics there because I have been really into gymnastics lately and have done some everyday.

On Friday, (today) I did lots of gymnastics and finally learned how to do a backbend from standing up and with no one spotting me!Ā It may sound easy to some people who don’t do gymnastics or to some people who can do it, but for me, that was AWESOME!

That’s all for today! Bye! THANKS FOR READING!!! If you read this, comment NYC Gymnastics!

Space Jam, Bud Not Buddy, and More!

Hello! It’s Thursday and I am blogging, I am blogging today because on Friday I am going to the Raptor Center and won’t have time tomorrow. Well, this is how my week went!

On Monday I Painted my plaster hand. So, what we did was out plaster over out hand and then let it dry, then, we took it off and let it dry some more, then it is perfect for painting! Today I finished my plaster hand and it is rainbow! I also put plaster on Liberty (@libby) and Michael (@michaelgadhia). It was really fun but it tickled when I took it off.

On Tuesday I went to see the play Bud Not Buddy. We had just finished the book Bud Not Buddy the day before and I thought it was one of the best plays the Children’s Theater has ever done that I saw. It stayed really close to the story line and it was just awesome over all!

On Wednesday I did the Space Jam. That is an offering that Dean offered and it was pretty cool, it rained though so a lot of people left. Basically we had an open mic the whole time and people could go up there and do something, not a lot of people did anything that I saw though.

On Thursday (today) I did Spanish. Today was really fun, what we did was we matched up an animal with the habitat it lives in, and then we said what kinds of animals we have had and what kinds we have. Spanish was really fun today! Like always!

I wish we had time to blog tomorrow though because I want to blog about the Raptor Center but I can’t since it hasn’t happened yet!

THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you read this, comment Bud Not Plaster! BYE!

My week

Hi! Itā€™s Friday and Iā€™m blogging again, so here it is!

This week on Monday I did book club. The book is called Bud Not Buddy and so far I really like it! I donā€™t want to say much about it because I donā€™t want to give a spoiler. So if you are wondering what it is then look it up. I really suggest it though!

On Tuesday I did cooking class. This week we made falafels! To go with it we made: lettuce, tomato, cucumber, pita bread, and humus. (There were probably more that I canā€™t remember though.) They were delicious!

On Wednesday I did Micaā€™s Art! This week, we made dream catchers! So, Mica (Michaelā€™s mom) cut holes in cardstock and we weave yarn thru the holes and can hang stuff off of the other holes, like feathers or yarn or anything you want. It was really fun and they look really pretty!

On Thursday I went on a hike on a urban greenway and it was really fun! I donā€™t want to get into it though because itā€™s hard to explain. It was super fun though!

On Friday/today I did Spanish. Nancy made a Spanish game where everyone gets animal cards and one person starts. They say, in Spanish, I have a bunny, who has a turtle. The person who has the pic of the turtle says, I have the turtle, who has the crab? It goes on and on until all the cards have been used.

Well, Bye! If you read this, comment Bud not Buddy in Espanol!

THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stores, Cooking, Costars, and More!

Hey! Another Friday, another bog post. Here’s what my week looked like!

On Monday I went to the Bag Lady with, Kate (@katecake), Tessa (@tessao), Ari (@ariana) and Kristine (@kweb74). At the Bag Lady Tessa, Kate, and I all got these little sprit animal sculptures. Kate got a dolphin, Tessa got a squirrel, and I got an elephant; my elephants name is Willow. I have another one I got a long time ago, he is a ram and his name is Wammy, I was little and trying to say Rammy.

On Tuesday I had fun playing Blockus with Nancy (@nancy) and Alona (@alonalearning) and Liberty (@libby). Nancy and I tied one round and Alona won one round. I also had fun going on a walk with Alona, Liberty, and Nancy. We went and saw the friendly neighborhood pig named Pricilla.

On Wednesday I did fingerprint art with Mica and a bunch of other people. It was where you stuck one of your fingers in acrylic paint and made art work out of your fingerprints. It was awesome! I also went to the Lion King play at first ward elementary school. The costumes and songs were great, but just wish they spoke louder because I couldn’t hear them at some parts.

On Thursday I did cooking class. We made salsa and Jackson’s famous guacamole. Jackson, Will, and Gabe made the guacamole and I made the salsa. They were both delicious!

On Friday (today) I made my own costars by coloring on white ones with sharpie and then blending them together with alcohol. I am also going to Kate’s house after school for an offering where Kristine reads poems and the people that sign up listen and just enjoy them!


That’s all! THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!! If you read this, comment Willow and Costars! BYE!

Gymnastics, Cooking, and more

Hello! I’m back! I’m going to blog about my week so here I go!

On Monday I did gymnastics, I am working on my front walkover and back bend right now. @tessao and @katecake are helping me with those two things.

On Tuesday I did cooking and we made banana nut muffins! They were soo good, the ingredients I remember are: flour, cinnamon, eggs, salt, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, banana, walnuts, and more I can’t remember. The cooking group went to Melissa’s house this week and we waited at her house for the muffins to be ready, I loved them!

On Wednesday I was sick and stayed at home šŸ™ šŸ™ D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:

On Thursday I was sick and stayed home D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:

On Friday (today) I participated in the Talent Show with Liberty (@libby) and we did a dancing act! We made up a dance to the song, We Are Never Getting Back Together, by Taylor Swift. We won the 2nd place ribbon @ayan made for the Talent Show.


Well, I’m done now! THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye! If you read this, comment Muffin Show!

Art, Gymnastics, and Road Trip

Hello! This will be a shorter post then usual. Here’s my week!

On Tuesday I did the road trip planning. We are having a road trip in the Summer and I am soooo excited! The people going on the road trip are, Liberty, Tessa, Alona, Michael, Andrew, and Jess. We are going go Niagara Falls! I also did Spanish and we played a game, it’s hard to explain the rules but basically you say a sentence that involves an animal and the other people try to guess the animal.


on Wednesday I did Mica’s art offering. She offered coloring and making mandalas. It was really fun and relaxing.


On Thursday I went to the Mint museum and looked at art and played on the kids area.


On Friday (today) Kate, Tessa, and I did a lot of gymnastics all day. I learned: a better handstand, a handstand into a bridge, and I almost did a backbend but I hurt my hand and now it hurts.


well, that’s all for this week, bye!

THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye!