Hello! This is my last post of the school year. I’m so sad!:( I can’t wait for school to start back up again and see everyone again! This has been an amazing year and can’t wait for another to begin in a new campus! We are leaving here and never coming back.
So, this week on Tuesday I got my hair dyed! I made it so the bottom layer is purple, now, when my hair is down you can barely see it, but, when it’s up you can. I really love it! Also, there was a lot of hair dye left over, so Jess got ALL her hair dyed purple! It looks AWESOME!
Now, today was field day! We played lots and lots of fun games like: sprints, potato sack race, three legged race, water balloon toss, drip drip DROP! Its like duck duck GOOSE, but with a sponge and when you say drip you put a little on them and when you say DROP you squeeze it all on them. Then we ate and we are going to have popsicals and a end of year gratitude circle.
Well, time for me to go now. I had a wonderful year and can’t wait to see everyone again! If you read this, comment, See you next year!!!